Horse Manure Briquettes (Multimate Briquette Maker)

by keith1186 ⌂ @, Biberach DE, Monday, May 03, 2021, 13:37 (1298 days ago)
edited by keith1186, Friday, August 20, 2021, 12:10

:-P [image]It perhaps sounds smelly and creasy, but actually it is feasible and best of all its free! Horse owners can choose to make horse manure into fuel bricks by biomass briquetting machine. After being pressed into brick shape and dried in the open air, the horse manure will get rid of foul odours. What’s more the ashes after the burn are great fertilizer for crops. In a word, horse manure or dung briquettes are eco-friendly fuel for heating and cooking.
You can use our Multimate range of presses to make these horse poo fire logs

Horse manure briquettes, briquette press

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